
I laughed so hard I think I peed a litte

Bugs. Bugs. Bugs. Bugs. Bugs. That is all this dang country has is bugs. All my dreams last night involved those creepy little vampire bugs and to make it worse I awoke to Lola, the stupid never ending purring cat, purring in my face. I pushed it...okay maybe threw it...across the room and BOING back up it goes purring and winding its skinny body in my business. It was the last straw of mine, she was done for. I picked it up and chucked it outside slamming the door hard and tight behind its butt. I think this country is making me less nice, I didn't even feel a bit of sorrow. I then went back to bed on the couch but bugged out Clyde climbed between my legs and fell asleep. I was so scared to move, afraid that those vampire bugs would see me moving and jump from him to me. Jenna had bad dreams about bugs too! But she was sleep talking to Amanda about dancing tomorrow... Bad dreams, bad bugs, bad bad bad bad B A D! 

Even though we woke up 45 minutes after our alarm we still made it on the road around 10:30. We were headed to the same beach as last time...so about an hour away. In between the time we got up and went going we found a hoard of ants in the kitchen, Jenna cleaned the pool...naked, and Morgan was once again a scary monster. But we did get on the road...and we didn't get lost at all. It was super duper amazing! It was blazing even at 11:30 am and we set up camp. We then played in the water and laid in the sun. Then we were feeling really feisty and said you know what "when in Spain!" So off went our tops. We perused around topless and got a few more stares then before but it was probably because we are light haired not topless. We decided that they tend to start them off early, there were babies with no tops, children with no tops, teenagers with no tops, and grandmas with no tops. No matter what - they are in a bikini...big or small and they rock them with all the confidence in the world. America could definitely learn something from these people. Jenna and I decided to leave our camp out site to walk toward the people and town about 2 1/2 miles down the beach. We walked and everyone stared. We have tops on by the way. But they just stared, all we could come up with is that she is a true blonde and is super tan and I was seriously the only "white" person on that beach. The only red-head and the only one with freckles. I was like a freak of nature, I was too much for them to handle. Dem fiery redheads just cause problems. 

When we made it back to camp, Morgan and Manda were waiting on the boogie boards to tell us what had happened. While we were gone they both fell asleep on the towels. Morgan thought she was dreaming that we had came back and Jenna was shaking her awake. We said out loud "Jenna stop!" But when she woke up she saw that the tide had risen all the way to our camp out, the tips of the towels and their toesies were getting wet. She yelled frantically at Manda to grab the stuff and move, Manda was kind of half sleeping and moaned and groaned but then saw what was happening and helped move camp. Good thing they didn't drown, that would be kind of a sad ordeal...

We sat around topless and soaked up some more sun. Once Manda, Jenna and Morg looked not Caucasian anymore we decided we should probably head home. The beach was fun but we were all exhausted. I slept the whole way home...so I don't really know if anything happened worth blogging about....It didn't I asked. 

We got home and let the dogs out. I was standing in my room when I hear Morgan yell "Maaarrrrrrryyy!!!" I go looking for the frantic scream and see Morgan standing over the fresh clean sheets that are swarming with ants. I mean they are everywhere. Thousands of ants, and that is no exaggeration what-so-ever. There was a little ant hill in the corner and they were climbing all over the walls. We stood there stunned at the millions of ants running idiotically around the room. Jenna grabbed the water/soap mixture that sends the ugly bugs to heaven and we started murdering. We sprayed, they died, and when there was no movement we waited for a wiggly movement. It came and more ants started running. Die bugs, DIE was all we could think. There eventually was no more movement and we took a sigh of relief. A total buzz kill, my happy high from the ocean was all gone and we were all shivering from the heebie jeebies. We wiped them up and then we put vinegar all over the room, covering their tracks. 

Showering felt amazing, slightly stung from my new sunburn (Sorry Mom!) but felt amazing to clean away all the sand and grossness that was stuck to my body like honey. We started dinner (noodles and cheese with garlic and bread..again YUM) and Jenna started the lawn watering. Morgan started the laundry of the dead ants and we all calmed down. Dinner was a funny experience, hilarious jokes were cracked, and we all sat in barely anything because we were burnt and hot. Noodles were put up noses and our maturity levels might have dropped to a solid 3rd graders but it was very fun and entertaining. 

Bugs - before dinner Manda was sitting on the couch and I was picking more blood suckers out of Clyde and Jesse James hair when she screams and points. Blood suckers were now invading the couch...crawling across the brown couch and semi blending in. It was horrible. I SLEPT on that couch last night. These buggers are like a bad boyfriend - stalking me, trying to get in my bidness, and showing up when I least expect it. Wish I could dump these vampire bugs and be done with them...but I can't they are everywhere!! We decided we would skype Paul McCann and see what he has to say about this situation...maybe we can spray the dogs with soapy water and make the bugs fall off...doubt it...but I will cross my fingers anyways. 

Everything is closed on Sunday's here in Spain. We couldn't go to the "Wal-Mart" of Seville because they were closed. Because we couldn't go there we couldn't get ourselves any chocolate or icecream..but we did see that McDonald's was open. We hopped in the car...with ME driving...and headed that way. I conquered my fear of round abouts..because they are at every other corner in this dang town. I need you guys to understand the McDonald's experience we had. In Spain you don't go out in sport shirts and shorts, you semi-dress up...look decent. We all were in sport clothes...I only had a sports bra on and shorts..because of my sunburn (Sorry Mom, I know that word makes you cringe). We were looking pretty redneck for Spain standards, but we thought "Hey, it is McDonalds"...we were wrong. That was the classiest damn McDonald's in the history of McDonald's. It was packed to the brim and the cashiers also got your food. It was being mass produced...but it also was going really super fast. We all got McFlurry's and received them quickly..all while...can I say it...being stared at. I know I am very white..and I know that my stomach is red...but stop staring at me. This one little girl was in a trance...my freckles must have been swarming in her mind because she was staring full on to my body. We ate outside and it was nice. << super lame sentence. I would just like to point out all the classiness and differences of this Mickey D's. 
1.You get 9 McNugget's...instead of 10
2. They call McChicken's...McPavo's
3. You can get onion rings for one dolla
4. You can get a pizza melt in your kids meal if you desire
5. You have the option of sitting in a full blown recliner...!!!
6. There is such thing as a McRoyal and a thing called a 1955...and you can eat them with your JoJo's
7. The play place is in a circus tent thing in another building and it has epic play stuffs.
8. The service is so incredibly speedy and efficent.

It was crazy. I drove us home in one piece while Jenna made weird noises and then we all sat down and did our normal night routine - facebook, skype, laugh, cherish, love and remember. Until next time! :) Peace and love my fellow Americanos.

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