
Pedestrians do not get the right away

The Plaza!
Monday started off with a neat fun game: let's find Mary's passport. The last place I recalled having my passport was at the ticket counter in the Brussels Airport. I handed it to the lady and then didn't remember what I had done with it after that. Everyone was on a mad search to find it, looking in every pocket of every bag. I was interrogated and asked every memory of my passport, but still the counter was the last time I could remember rendezvousing with the little blue back. It was no where to be found in the bags so we resorted to the fact that it was probably left in the Brussels airport. Pia hopped on her skype that is hooked up to call anywhere for a low charge. She called and called and called and was redirected to another number. As I was near tears thinking I wasn't ever going to go back to America we reached the lost & found. The funny man joked with Pia and eased the tension, but also informed us that their were no passports turned in from Saturday, since nobody works here on Saturday. Frustrated, somebody asked if I had checked under the beds. We went chugging back into Matilde's room to start looking again. I heaved my big bag up onto the bed and started digging....and what do you know? Poof! My little blue back American passport had wiggled its way into a Victoria Secret bag. Weird how my stuff disappears like that, I am beginning to think my passport didn't want to come on this trip.

After the passport fiasco we were determined to catch the bus leaving in five minutes. Today was the day Matilde and Pia were bound to show us Seville and the real way to navigate ourselves around. We sat waiting for the bus when the heat set in. It crept its way into every pore of our bodies making sweat stream exceedingly fast.  The bus came and off we went taking to the bus depot, where we hopped off and got the directions to how the bus system works. We had to give our passport number and our name in order to get a key to get the bike. Unfortunately the guy told us that in order for us four to rent while they are gone, Pia has to sign our sheets for every time we are going bike riding. He handed over 80+ papers and off we went.

We rode bikes in and out of the beautiful rugged streets. Every wall, person and building was beautiful with enough history to fill my head. We stopped occasionally and they showed us the most important places to visit. We were almost trampled many times by the speedy little cars that whipped down the very narrow streets. There were some points in which I wasn't sure whether us, the parked car, and the fast moving vehicle  were going to fit down the street. Thrilling and exciting on our bike riding adventure. We stopped at the plaza to play in the water fountain and Manda took a little spill. The water fountain was super slippery and she just wasn't ready for the intensity of the gunkness and slipped a little bit. Also her height issue made it difficult to hop up on the very tall ledge we were planning on standing. We finally all got up shining high in the sun while Pia snapped photos of our beautiful faces. We then asked this guy to hop up with us, and it ends up he spoke English and he was also from Texas. So we snapped a photo with him and were back on our way. We then stopped to get a bite to eat. The waiter told us that he was the only one working so we must write down our own orders. We ordered some yummy food and some milkyshakes (that turned out to be just chocolate milk)...and we back on our way. The rest of the day was made up of biking and looking and most definitely SWEATING. It was incredibly hot, if you even got a wisp of water you were smiling like crazy!! I mean real hard sweating, it was a braid and go kind of day! The biggest moment was when Matilde slipped on her bike and took a huge tumble through the wispy water and then Morgan's bike started making funny noises. We caught the six thirty bus home and immediately hopped in the pool. It was the most refreshing thing I had experienced in a long time. Pure joy from chlorinated water that was for sure. 

We ate, we learned the chores, we facebooked, and we skyped. We now sit patiently while our movie loads, making fun of Vincent and his new lady friend Pipa...It was an extremely fun day and it makes me excited for the days to come. Tomorrow we drop the McCann Family off for their retreat and then we take on Spain 100% alone with one kind of Spanish speaker Manda, one funny mouthed Jenna, one energetic skinny blonde Morgan and one I loose everything Mary. These next days are about to get C R A Z Y Y Y Y Y ! Let's see what can be accomplished until the next blog. Adios! :)

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