
This is a no pants kind of household.

One small word would sum up today: HOT! It all began last night when Manda was laying on the tile to cool off. One o'clock in the morning and it was still 99 degrees outside and our little house only has ceiling fans to air our bodies out. Hot, Hot, Hot. Jenna: "Sooo hot I wanna touch the hiney"

This morning really was no different and so the clothes started to be shed. Last night we all slept in our skivvies and this morning Jenna went for a naked lap swim. All to keep ourselves chilled and crisp. It is that hot here. I guess I really shouldn't say "morning" because by the time we woke up and got rolling it was close to one o'clock in the afternoon...but hey, this is vacation, we are allowed to do those sorts of things...right?

As we prepared ourselves for our outing in Seville later in the day I decided that my contacts would be a nice addition to my eyeballs. Jenna (thankfully) switched contact lens cases with me because I lost the cap to one side of mine (imagine that, me losing something...) I was very careful last night putting my two contacts into the case because I brought two extras...and already used them. BUT this morning crazy thing happened, I opened up my contact lens case and guess what? Only one contact was there. I was fumagated I searched everywhere for the contact. I had to be the worst contact lens person ever to go through three contacts in six days. I found the contact shriveled smooshed to the bottom of my contact juice. I was so angry. I was now forced to wear one contact for the rest of the trip, I twisted the lid back on the case and went to tell my gals how angry and how blind I was going to be for the next fifteen days. They sympathized with me, bless their hearts. We then decided we should get our poop in a group and catch the 3 o'clock bus, so we all started to get ready. I walked into my room and there on top of my contact case was a fresh contact, moist and everything waiting patiently to enter itself into my eyeball socket. It was the weirdest thing ever. I certainly didn't put it there so somebody felt bad for me and sent me a contact from above. Thank heavens because it would have been awful having one eyed Mary running loose in Spain that's for sure!!

We made the three thirty bus and soaked in our hotty totty sweat. At the bus pickup zone the bike lady didn't speak English and was repeatedly saying when didn't belong here. We tried to say we were from America but we are living here...it was a no-no to her. Luckily a nice guy came in and he spoke both languages saving our lives as he explained to the bike lady our situation. She finally gave us our bike keys and we were on our way. 

First stop: the cathedral. We most definitely got lost a bit because Jenna couldn't find her map with all her notes inside of it. We tried to go from memory but then going became coming and to-ing from from-ing and then we were all sorts confused and resorted to asking individuals off the street. The one lady we asked was stupid. Manda clearly asked what direction the cathedral is and she pretended like she had no idea what we were saying...we were speaking SPANISH. She finally waved a hand toward a direction and flailed herself in the other direction scurrying her little feet as fast as she could so she wouldn't have to deal with the crazy American girls anymore. At this point in our journey I would like to stop and say: My face was like it was raining there was so much sweat rolling and polling down my cheeks. That hot people, that hot.

We found the cathedral, oh but guess what, it was not open. Imagine that. We had giant waters to soothe our roasting carcasses and we were on our way once again. This time we were headed toward the plaza to take more wonderful pictures. That ride was a bit chiller and easier to find. We slummed around the plaza, crawling up the stairs as the evil sun beat down on Mary's uber sunblocked back. We did get some amazing photos though, so the heat was worth it. 

Next stop: Gelato. We were on a mad hunt to find some ice cream and fortuitously found one near by the bus/bike terminal. It was the cutest place that had painter palettes to put the gelato in. We got 3 different flavors for 2,50 Euros. Such a bargain. There were tons of flavors, Manda and Jen went the Fruity route and Morg and I stuck to the chocolaty one. Obviously we all shared and chuckled over the creativity of these Spanish gelato creaters. Only once today were we bombarded by a street fellow, again we were from Canada but we were very poor this time and couldn't spare to buy a tissue. This man was selling tissues...maybe people sneeze a lot around here? Just isn't a plausible item to sell if you ask me...but since I'm not Canadian I cannot speak for Canadians, maybe they love tissues..is there such thing as a national paper...? 

We caught our bus and rode on home mostly chit-chatting about how wonderful the pool is going to feel. We had to stop at the grocery store nearby our home to pick up cheese, bread and wine, OH and floss for Morgo's teefs. All of that and a bag of chips, literally. I've been waiting a while to use that saying in context, great joy. It felt wonderful to strip down and jump into that pool, one of the best feelings ever! Liberating that is for sure. For dinner Manda boiled water. 

Oh and in that water she cooked divine elbow noodles with cheese and butter (the official food of Morgan McCann) and we had bread and garlic mixture again. I am stuffed to the brim. The rest of our night will more or less consist of listening to J.J. and Clyde bark at air, facebooking, relaxing, and enjoying each others personalities (NABI). Another one for the books me chika lika neato gals. Farewell until tomorrow! :)
Manda and I at the Plaza

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