
We will drink and cheese our way through Spain...

Today ladies and gentlemen is Morgan McCann's 19th birthday, therefore it means the fabulouso four needed to have some fun. But  before I break into those beautiful details I would just like to say that Spain outlets are deadly. Both Manda and I were electrocuted by trying to plug ourselves into their electricity system. This stuff is D A N G E R O U S O!

Now onto the good stuff.  We woke up this morning to Pia's voice pip talking her children to get up and moving which motivated Morg and I enough to get up and adam. The morning consisted of us running around and figuring stuff out while the McCann's we are staying with traveled away. Manda and Jenna had to drive Steve and the kids to the bus stop where they were going to take off for their biking mission trip (the whole reason we are here). While they were at the bus stop Morg and I took the opportunity to jump in the pool, and were later joined with Manda and Jenna who only took TWO wrong turns the whole way back! Which is pretty good considering it was their first time on their own in Spain and no streets are labeled ANYWHERE. Every seventh turn had a sign, but that is it... The majority of the afternoon was just lounging and trying to teach Morgan how to back ward dives. After a zillion tries she still never got it. She would be soo close to doing it then freak out and scream and jump into the pool, this was acceptable because it is her birthday. It was then decided that we should probably go to the grocery store and get some yum yums for our stay.

Manda drove us into town where we needed to buy groceries. Manda did a wonderful time, whipping around the million round-a-bouts that exist over here and ignoring the stupid drivers that surrounded us, we only had one mis-hap in which we were going down a one way the wrong way and were potentially getting mean looks from the other drivers...and then continued to drive with our flashers on for the next couple of minutes. Eventually we got parked and realized we had to pay for a shopping cart! Only 50 cents, but still...ripping money off of us. Oh well!! Our shopping experience was kind of fun, we first shopped for some yummy wines and drinks. Their drinks were definitely pretty cheap compared to American yum yums, so we got lots of wine for our dinners to come! We then ventured to the fresh aisles that were full of fruit, cheese, fish and tons of bread. It was easy to  pick out the fruit and bread but when it came to the cheese and meat it was kind of scary. We got our jamon (ham) pretty easily, but turkey was another story. We decided it was best to ask what kind of meat was turkey, just to be safe. I (the one who can't speak a spec of Spanish) went up to the help with my International Travel Book (a book with tons of pictures to explain what I need) trying to explain a turkey. She spoke no English and so it was kind of confusing...at one point I was saying no but acting like a chicken, bawking and such as needed. Amanda finally came over and understood that she was saying the meat I was holding was indeed a big bird, aka a turkey. The rest of our food shopping experience was pretty norm, trying to decide which food is best and what exactly it is (not going to lie the majority of the food we bought was cheese, bread, and wine....) (oh, and we bought wine...wine...juices...soda and lots of drinks..) (drinking and cheesing our way through Spain that is FOR SURE). It was all pretty easy until we tried to check out. First they charge you for plastic bags (so we didn't take any), second we had to tell the non English speaking woman we need to separate the bill into four, and also we forgot to weight our fruit! So Morgan and Jenna ran to the fruit aisle and weighed the fruit, while Manda and I stared at the people with real big eyes smiling and grinning my pearly whites at their Spanish faces. Jenna and Morgan did get yelled out for racing in the grocery store yelling "No Espanol!!" She was a hazard, also her card declined (which is real weird) but it all got covered and good to go! Once we returned our precious little cart we got back our fiddy cents and then our drive back was fulfilled with Oreos and laughter. 

We got back and ate chips and cheese and some bread to tide us over before our din din, hopped in the shower and started to get ready. We hopped the 8:00 bus and drove our pretty little behinds into Seville. When we unloaded from the bus we had to walk to the restaurant only getting a few hoo-hahas from boys and many googly eyes from men. Ew. We ate dinner at this beautiful restaurant where we ate on the roof and enjoyed the view of the river and the festivities. Our waiter was super attractive and was very kind knowing we spoke "poco espanol".  The other waiter near by once said to us "four men for four beautiful ladies?" We had chicken salads (mainly because that is the only thing we knew on the menu), and a big ol' liter of Sangria. The Sangria was EXTREMELY strong and we all cringed while gulping it down (the oranges inside were delicious though). "Don't try to race me" - Jenna. We laughed, laughed, and laughed at multiples things, and took picture with the yummy waiter. We wobbled our way down the street fair enjoying the massive amounts of people. We picked up some mojitios (2 for $5) and giggled our way again down the street. On our second round of mojitios we ran into Billy. Billy is this nice Spanish guy who is now convinced we are from Edmonton, Canada and our names are Juanita (Jenna), Mary (Manda), Ashley (Me), Charlotte (Morgan). He made each of us kiss him on the cheeks twice as he just smiled at us and chatted away in some language that was somewhat of English and a tip of Spanish. We eventually had to sneak away from old, sketchy Billy and grab our ice cream. We walked back to the bus station at 10:30 because the last bus to Valencina is at 10:50 and if we miss that one we either have to catch a cab or wait till the 7 am bus (on weekends the buses run till 3 am). We walked back having a filly of a time, passing the on goers with some lovely "Holas" and ignoring some sketchy looking individuals. 

At the bus station we met some really lovely, lovely people. One guy (with a weird Spanish name) and a girl who is planning on being a photographer. We also met an old man but he really just wanted to take pictures with us and send us kisses. The two Spanish kids spoke "poco English" and answered a lot of our questions. It was fun to sort of interact with them and to ask them fun questions. We all rode the same bus, and they sort of made fun of us for our obsessive picture taking also at my half etempt to speak Spanish which really ended up to me speaking English super slow and exaggerated with a accent (which isn't considered Spanish...who woulda known?!). 

We potentially almost missed our bus stop because we were so intertwined in our conversation but made it just in time. On our walk back home we were hyper and active but mistakenly hooted and hollered at a little white car that continued to turn around and start driving back. We all started running and hid behind a garbage (Morg, Jen and Manda) and I (the smart one) hid behind a car. The guys saw the other girls and we quickly took off the other direction. They turned around yelling at us and we walked clearly ignoring them. Jenna was all set with her pepper spray, it was armed and ready for any freaky man trying to get up on our goodies. They finally got bored of us and sped off, leaving no trail behind them. We snuck up to our household and immediately jumped in the pool. We took one heck of a liberating swim. 

We are now sitting blogging and skyping our loved ones. We are winding down but we know for sure that we are not going to sleep for another solid three hours...mostly because it is one am and it is 85 degrees outside. It was an amazingly fun day and we know we are about to have 20 more, except next time around we won't be hooting and hollering once we get off the bus and we will be kissing that cute waiter on the cheek!!!

P.S. I don't know if there is such thing on a blog (you know a "p.s.") but I just wanted to add a tidbit of information. Since it was Morgan's birthday today I did allow her to open her present (which almost made us miss our flight), so I decided I should tell all my anxious readers what the real dangerous present is...are you ready? Victoria Secret Yoga Pants. Ones without any sort of bling, just cotton. Now that my fellow Americans is a REAL hazard to society. Every ginge should be stopped and searched if caught with cotton spandex pants, you could be vicious in/out/or around those pants! 

Also I have a story for you, one that I forgot to mention before. When we were at the ticket counter in Brussels, Belgium getting our boarding tickets the lady asked for our passports. She read all our names and then continued to call them back as she handed back our passports. When she handed mine back she pronounced my name as "Mrs. Ka chuuuchhaosdhflskh (pretend you say "Mrs. Kaer...and then hawk four loogies in a row)...that is exactly what it sounded like. A bunch of nonsense, and I think for the first time I really heard my name pronounced. It was amazing, and also made for a good story. Would be better if I could tell you in person, so next time you see me ask me to repeat the Brussel Airport lady in pronouncing my wannahawkaloogie last name.

Be Bear Aware of those Man's Pants :) God bless and goooodnight! :) <3

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