
Tom is a Slut

Doesn't this look mouth watering?!

Hola! My fellow lady friends and I had one heck of a relaxing day. We decided early on we were not going to go 100% every single day, we decided to have certain days set aside for hanging and loving life. Today was one of those days. 

All last night Clyde, the younger Dachshund, barked and barked giving us the frights that someone was breaking into our precious villa. After the 16,000 bark we decided he was barking at the twinkle in his eye because there was most definitely not something outside. We would fall asleep then BARK BARKA BARK and then Clyde would get yelled at. By 8:30 a.m. Morgan (aka Scary Monster in the Morning) got up and kabooted him out the front door. He be-lined it for the gate and then casually walked back inside. This action took place four trillion more times. I have never wanted to decapitate a dog more in my life. Clyde was safe from the wrath of Mary this time when I found out his short stubby legs weren't long enough to hop on my bed, so even though he tried shooting me those sweet innocent looks of cuddleness I didn't give in  because I knew it would end badly. I finally fell back asleep and had a super weird dream, but that is a whole other story definitely! Jenna also had a dream...more like a continuous nightmare in which we are taken and killed...pretty heart warming I'd say.

The next few hours consisted of peanut butter bread, cleaning, and the pool. We literally laid out in the sunshine for three hours (me with no sunblock) (haha JOKING I would never, 50+ promise!). We had epic sun time and not going to lie I got a TAN. I have tan lines, this is no joke, this is serious bidnesss. Oh the big news of the day was Manda got stung by a vicious animal that didn't even leave her a stinger for reassurance that the wittle bugger is D E A D. Picture below is the giant swelling-ness... 
Manda Got Stung!!
 We also took many photos to enjoy the evening with. We figured out how to set my camera to time it so we all could be in the photo! Jamon was also (durrr) a big part of our photo taking and since we were missing our Matilde to make our fifth letter we became creative....
Just minutes after this photo was taken we tried jumping into the pool spelling 
J A M O N...somewhat of an awesome picture. I will potentially post that one later...But the unfortunate event that happened seconds after was that Jenna smacked her fat swollen/broken finger on the edge of the pool, causing tears and pain. Oh the things we will do for an epic photo. 

We already knew what our plans were for the evening. Bread and wine. We needed to go get bread from the store in Valencia. We slipped on dresses over our swimmies and started to walk. Five minutes into it we all were sweating and it was hard to tell what water was sweat or pool water. We zig-zagged our way through the streets trying to remember the way Matilde took us. We definitely didn't go the way she took us buuuuttt we did get there. We bought 4 medium sized deliciouso bread for 1,80 Euros which equals about = $2.30 American money. 4 yummy breads for $2.30 ?!?! I know what I am eating everyday for the rest of my stay! Our walk back was a lot simpler and we even ran into a dead end that had my name written all over it. Literally. I got a photo.

Immediately after our return we jumped in the pool and then showered up. We decided that we should get semi dressed up to go no where. Manda and Jen cooked the dinner and it seriously was the best thing. Yummy warm bread (crunchy outside with super soft inside) with garlic, oil, salt and pepper, and a big ol' glass of wine. After dinner Morgan chased a salamander across the wall and then we started watching Pretty Little Liars. We then cooked brownies. The Spanish desserts are not as luscious as America's are...so us Americans added two giant chocolate bars to spice the fabulous brownies up. The end of our evening was painting our toenails multiple colors, eating the iceee cream!, watching the rest of Pretty Little Liars...and skyping everyone we needed to :) It was wonderful. 

We love these hang out days more than anything. Spain is wonderful, but spending it with these three girls is more spectacular than I could ever imagine. God bless and Goooooodnight! <3

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