
Why is Doug with the small mailman?

It took awhile but I will finally post about our journey back to USA. 

Flying back: Welp, I only got felt up once...and it was just a nice little pat down! Every other time we were in the airport security I was obviously not a terrorist and everything went well. Jenna did almost drown in her own drool on one of the plane rides... Dramamine and a beer don't mix well and end up with being conscious but not being able to open your eyes. Good times. In the Philadelphia airport we were asked separately a series of serious questions...such as...Are you carrying anything sharp? Are you a legal citizen? Are you carrying anything illegal? Even if I was I definitely wasn't going to tell this lady, those are too serious of questions for me to handle ;)

The whole ride back was a big ol' ball of fun and delirium. We were extremely tired, and thus we were hilarious. Or at least we thought each other were hilarious. We sang Cher and Look At Me Now to stay awake. We never really got that crabby either, EVEN Morgan. It was a miracle. 

The long flight was....well long. Actually that is a lie because I slept quite a bit, and then watched Water for Elephants before landing in the US of A. I missed the food, but the girls said it was pretty good.

Other than that, Jenna almost drowning was about the biggest hump in our flight...I mean our flight while in the air and not in Montana...because when we arrived in Montana we had a surprise.

As we stood, exhausted and chatting with Tana who thankfully picked us up we realized our bags did not come across the conveyer belt. In Spain Uncle Steve made sure our bags went straight through to Philadelphia, where we had to go through customs and put them back on the belt...So somewhere between Philadelphia and Billings our bags took a little journey. We ran to the Airline desk demanding our belongings, the lady (not very nicely) informed us that they should get here tomorrow...but maybe the next day or the day after that, and that we should just call tomorrow morning to see if they were put on the next Denver flight to the big MT. 

We were now without a change of clothes...well at least I was because I didn't pack a extra pair in my carry-on this time, bad thinking on my part and probably why our luggage got lost in the first place. It is always my fault ;)

We loaded up into Tana's car and headed to get Jenna's car which had been taking refuge at their friend Bethany's parents house while we were on our journey. Here is the bump...Bethany's parents work and live on the Yellowstone Boy's and Girl's Ranch...a.k.a a mental health facility for juveniles...

We drive onto the Ranch it is pretty eery. It is about midnight and the street lights on these happy little streets (the street names are 'hope' and 'peace') are kind of creepy. Bethany told Jenna that her car is outside of her parents house...After the long while it took to find her parents house and as we shook in our stockings for some crazy to come get us (okay, so not really) we found out that her car was locked (which is a good thing) but the keys were no where in sight. Bethany had told Jenna that the keys would be somewhere on the vehicle...except they weren't. Soooo we decided our only option was to go knock on her parent's door and ask for help. 

Jenna and Morgan went to the door knocked and her dad arrived but looking concerned. He was very incredibly nice and told them "you never know who is going to be at your door around here". Turns out Bethany just forgot that we were coming back today, and no harm was done.

We got out to Di's house and immediately crashed. I slept so well! We woke up and I didn't even have any jet leg! It was awesome. We woke up around 9 because guess what....OUR LUGGAGE ARRIVED!!

We picked it up, and immediately brushed my teeth. Jenna and Manda went back to Helena. And Morgan and I went to stay with Cali! She had just moved into her new house, and it was super cute! We spent the night with her, went to see the ghost (who didn't show) and then headed back to Helena. Morgan had to move into her dorm on Saturday and I was supposed to help...but my dad was working that day and I had to go home with him. 

Overall this trip was the greatest thing to happen to me, and I know my fellow Spaniards would say the same. It was a huge blessing and I was extremely fortunate to be able to experience everything I did. Thank you Mom & Dad, Steve & Pia, JJ and Clyde, Jenna and Manda for keeping the laughs, smiles, and enjoyment going at all time, and finally Morgan for inviting me to share the wonderfulness of Spain with her. My oldest best friend we did Spain dirty good. Can't wait to start our business of house sitting overseas...Every year ladies, every year :) :)


Today was a little bit sad. It was strictly a pool day and all day we had to think about leaving tomorrow. But great things did get accomplished today. Morgan finally...and I do mean FINALLY learned how to back dive..after 79 times...and so did Matilde! Manda cooked her amazing enchiladas for dinner...along with...you guessed it...oreos and icecream! Yum! We continued exchanging stories about our last three weeks, along with flashbacks to our Dairy Queen days. 

We ended the evening with watching hilarious videos of Matilde and Vincent on youtube and watching Burlesque. It is a perfect ending to a spectacular, amazing, wonderful journey. 

There isn't anything else for me to post tonight..but stay tuned for a few more posts with highlights of the trip, the trek back to the states (cross your fingers that I don't get frisked, loose anything, or get lost), and for more photos :)

I want to thank Steve, Pia, Matilde, Vincent, Lola, Clyde and JJ for allowing us to invade your home and let us experience this amazing country on our own. You guys are truly amazing people and have a beautiful home and family. Thank you!

Also thanks to all of you, yes you reading this, I am so glad to have someone reading our adventures. It makes it just a little more fun! :)

Once again I wish you a good night. Blessings! <3

Thank you for reading, it has been more fabulous then 


Rule #1: Don't wear ballet shoes to a bull fight.

Doing the Jenna

Steve, Pia, Matilde, and Vincent arrived safely home early this morning. Manda and Jen had to wake up early to go pick them up while Morg and I slept...We got the long end of the stick. I was awoken by Clyde and JJ yelping at their owners and a bunch of laughter and happiness. It was hard to get out of bed at first but then I heard Jen telling stories of the trip and I just had to join in on that! We sat chatting with Vincent and Matilde while Steve and Pia went to get the bikes and stuff. We found out that our little doggies have a facebook (it made our day to say the least). When Steve and Pia arrived we swapped stories and I dozed off. When I woke up everyone around me was sleeping also. It was around ten thirty and we needed to go get bull fight tickets.

Which we did. 25 Euro for sun seats in the balcony.

The rest of the day was pretty much pool time. We laid in the pool for lots of hours, only taking a break to eat the delicious homemade pizza Steve cooked us. We had to be ready for the bull fight by six thirty..which we were by the way. 

We took two cars to the bull arena. While we were waiting for Steve and everyone to find us we were approached by a half toothed man selling hats. He was speaking Spanish to Pia telling her she had nice daughters (referring to Morgan, Matilde and Me). She told him we were waiting for her husband and his response? "My husband beats me when I don't cook him enough mashed potatoes..." Ahhh some people in Spain just crack me up! 

Drum roll please...The big event of the evening - - - - Thee Bull Fight (Said is Jenna's Russian Mobster Gangster Voice):

Well. It is hard to put in words. There were 3 Matadors (who wore hot pink socks and ballet shoes) and six bulls. We named the bulls, I know that is getting attached but it was kind of fun and it was easier to remember each one. We had Ferdinand, Douglas, Marcus, Carlos, Edwardo, and Hank the Tank. Soo pretty much there were some guys that teased the bulls with a pink apron thingy, then other guys ran up and stabbed them in the neck.. (Not Nice!)...Then a man on a horse will come out and stab the bull in the neck muscles to weaken him even more. Finally, the actual big time Matador would come out with a red flag thing and tease them, tire them then stab them to death...literally. Not very nice. The first bull was the worst to watch. The Matador couldn't kill him, he kept on poking at his face and stabbing him and the bull kept trying to run away...it was awful...AWFUL. But he did die. And the Matador got booed for not killing him quickly or at all...another guy had to stab him...that's embarrassing. 

The second bull died quickly but put up a good fight so when he died everyone in the crowd cheered, stood and waved a white flag. I asked the lady next to me why the waved white flags and in broken English she told me if the bull puts up a good fight the crowd decides whether the Matador deserves the bull's ear...which in this case he did. Also with this bull the man who stabs the bull got chased out of the arena...literally the bull ran at him and he had to jump over the fence to get free and not die or anything! I got a sweet picture of that (see below)!
Just hopping the fence to escape
The third bull was crazy. While one of the guys was running up to stab him he went nuts.The guy did get the needle stuff in but the bull went nuts and ran toward him..and (he slipped on his ballet shoes) and then the bull trampled him. He was stomping him and everyone went around trying to seduce the bull away! They did get him away and he walked away looking fine. What happened after that is unknown, but I am pretty sure he came back alive and good. The Matador that handle this guy had major swag. He seriously thought he was the hottest thing out there. He would get an applause and he would just boast and walk like he was prancing on water. Swag for days on this guy!
Oh just the guy getting trampled by a sweaty angry bull. NBD.

The fourth bull attacked a horse. I was in the bathroom but Morgan told me that when the man on the horse came to stab the guy the bull took a huge run toward the horse and rammed him! Sad thing is that the horse has no idea that it is coming, his eyes are covered...and so is his body...so I pretty sure he doesn't get hurt...all though it looks super painful. 

The fifth and sixth bull were nothing exciting. It was sad and I was ready for it to be over. The same guy who was cheered before was cheered again and won over the ear once more. He walked around the arena like a hot shot and people threw fans and hats into the arena. He would pick them up and chuck them back at the people...kind of like an autograph I guess.

Afterwards we were all in weird spirits...I wasn't sure what to think or feel. We headed to a place to get tapas and to chat. Steve, thankfully, ordered for us so it took a lot of the stress off. We then just headed home. I ate a homemade mango popsicle that Matilde made while everyone watches some tv. It is pretty late and tomorrow is going to be a long day..(we are staying up so we can sleep on our flight home)...sad that tomorrow is our last day here. It feels like just yesterday we arrived...but I will not dabble in the sadness any longer..I'll save that for tomorrow. 
Dead bull... :(

Please send a prayer for those bulls...I feel like they need it. Goodnight! :)


A bottle of Vodka and a dead pigeon.

Our last solo day in Seville. Annnd it was another good ol' pool day. By now my dedicated blog readers know what pool days include: pool, sun tanning, reading, facebooking, and pictures. 

Tomorrow the owners of our vacation stay come back...aka MAJOR CLEANING! Meaning lawn care, pool care, sidewalk care, car care, house care. We did everything but the major house care until after dinner and everything because we figured we are pretty dirty people and would get this place dirrrtay. 

I wanted to do another photo shoot today so I made them all go get dressed up and bootiful. I mean they are pretty all the time, but just enhanced...

We dominated Valencina with our picture taking. Some Spanish boys on horse carriages drove by once...then again...oh and then once more but stopped awkwardly behind me while I was shooting making my models not be serious because they were yelling "muy guapa". Serious faces = FAIL. We took photos until I had no more backgrounds and we were all hungry. 

I cooked dinner. All by myself. Well Manda stood over my shoulders and made sure I didn't poison everybody but...I still did the gutting of the chicken and seasoning and errrything. Potatoes (from a box), Chicken breasts, brocolic (I don't know how to spell it...), corn and yummy dessert. I am going to miss this dessert and stuff...I may have to bring this dessert all the time back to the states...I may be 590 lbs by next week...but that is beside the point.

It was back to cleaning the house...it is smoking clean now. That saying doesn't make sense...but it is the same concept. 

So here is the big thing. I went out to the trash to throw away a Vodka bottle and saw a huge stick, amused I gave it a swift kick...yeah so that stick was not a stick. It was most definitely a pigeon! A stinkin' pigeon. Dead. And I kicked it. I screamed and everybody came running thinking I was dying...Pigeons could be the death of me. Morgan picked it up (not with her hands) and threw it away. We laughed about Steve and Pia opening the trash can and seeing the Vodka bottle and a dead pigeon...Imaginere that!

Tonight will probably be an early night for Manda and Jen because they have to pick them up at six am...as for Morg and I..we are getting wild and crazy with Clyde Gerald and Jesse James! :)


Asian Invasion

This morning was a early one, meaning eight am..that early. I was tired because I stayed up early to edit photos...my own fault..but I just couldn't help myself my models were too beautiful!! 

Today was our journey to Alhambra, a three hour car ride. I drove this morning because I am a better driver in the morning since I am very alert. The drive was long and restless for me, but went quickly for the other girls. And guess what?! We made it there first try! It was amazing! We technically couldn't enter until two and it was around 12:30...so we had a while to wait. We sat around in the heat, got some water, and tried to cool down in the shade. I was hot and grouchy until we entered the actual Alhambra. It was gorgeous. Tons of colorful flowers and delicate details. The tiles were amazing, I cannot even imagine trying to build and construct such a beautiful building...by hand!! The beauty didn't stop there either, even tower and building was old and stunning. It was amazing to think these were built and people actually lived in them. We compared them to Aladdin and his castle...Okay, I don't think Aladdin had a castle until he married the princess...but that is very beside the point. 

We walked the whole deal for about three hours, taking photos and soaking in the glory and amazing views. I can't really describe any more about how it was, it is something you just have to experience...You can try and live vicariously through my photos though...

Post title comes from the zillions of Asians everywhere..It must be a holiday or something because in all honesty it cannot be just a coincidence that we see an Asian every other corner...

The drive home was....I was sleeping so I don't really know...I'm sure Manda was tired but she did an excellent job like always. When I woke up we were lost. Damn Spain seriously needs to invest in some street signs because without them we get REAL lost REAL fast. It took a few roundabouts and a lot of lefts before we found an area we were comfortable with. 

For you Manda: "Two cheap hookers and a Mexican"
"Look Right" --Looks hard left.

We had to stop at the grocery store and pick up some things to eat. I am going to be attempting to cook tomorrow...ha, let's see how that goes for us...They may be forced to eat chalk...

Our evening consisted of a meal that I won't even type down because 1. we will get made fun of 2. we have eaten it too many times to count 3. it is too delicious for words. It also was uploading photos and editing my photo shoot photos (MCKaercher Photography on Facebook). I also skyped my mom and dad, and Jenna was a Russian mobster for the majority of the night. Pretty normal. 

Thank you God for having a sense of humor.



It smells like rain...ha that's a funny joke.

My Models for the Day

I am having a tough time writing this blog today because today was photo shoot day. It was also serious gardening day. I'll start off with that part. We did the pool as normal and then we mowed the lawn...hardcore. It was pretty dang tall after growing for 20+ days! It was also sweeping up the leaves and sweating from the heat. We had to make two big trips to the dumpster with grass. It all took around two hours...but it felt like four. Let's just say our lawn is beautiful! 

The rest of afternoon was the usual...with the add in of me editing my MCKaercher Photography pictures. It was already decided we would be having a photo shoot. After editing some photos from last night I got a burning desire to take more photos. That is why this blog is mostly photos...because I went haywire...plus my models were absolutely gorgeous and stunning! We got tons of beautiful photos. 

The reason we went in to town was for Flamenco...All I can say about that is...well...we got what we paid for...which was nothing. It was cool for the experience but it just wasn't for me. I couldn't understand his singing and she was a good dancer..but nothing extravagant to make me dazzled. We were too late to catch the eleven bus so we had to entertain ourselves with a pina colada and McDonalds to pass the time. We also passed a horse with...excuse me...a huge package..it took the saying "hung like a horse" to a whole new level. 

I am almost 99% positive somebody doesn't want me in Spain. First all the stuff happens in the airports, then I almost lose my passport, and to top it all off BOTH of my credit cards magically stopped working. My statement and my account all say I have room to spend...but you know what I have a $17.00 tab with Morgan because my stuff won't work. Obviously someone really just is out to get me. Probably those stupid bugs I've been killing all trip...or those ants. Dangnubbit. Oh here is the real cherry on top too...On the way to the bus...I tripped. Remember that time when I fell off the bus? Yeah, so now that ankle just gives out when ever it feels like it...including when I am walking up stairs in a skirt...thanks a lot ankle. It is slightly swollen but should be good to go for tomorrow...which is the castle...let's see how lost we can get this time.

Quotes of the night:
Jenna "It smells like rain...ha that's a funny joke."
Me: "Somebody tell Jenna a joke to make her laugh" Silence. Jenna: "Hahah I have all the jokes"
Amanda: "Mullets went out of style..mmm always!"

We figured out that:
Singing is a compliment.
Being purred/hissed/meowed at is a compliment.
Men wear extra cologne on the days they don't shower.
Spanish boys don't know a word for "blonde" they just yell "Yellow"...yay colors!
Canadians are nice.

Au revoir. Adios. Goodbye.

P.S. For more photos of these beauts check out me on Facebook: MCKaercher Photography! :)



[tit-uh -veyt] verb, -vat·ed, -vat·ing.
verb (used with object)
to make smart or spruce: She titivated her banana with peanut butter.

Spain didn't know what hit them today. It was downtown shopping and boy did we go wild. We rode the bus in...and decided we should get bikes today. We went down with our signed sheets from Pia and almost got turned away. She said we needed proof that we live in Valencina in order to ride bikes, but will let us this time because Pia is so trustworthy. We are incredibly lucky this bike lady likes Pia or we would have been way out of luck! Our first stop was H&M, all three stories of it. It was a hay day. H&M is like Wet Seal combined with Forever 21 with a dash of Macy's, in other terms = superfantastical. We probably spent most of our day there trying on outfits and comparing them to things already shoved in our closets. When it came time for me to finally go to the dressing room, since my arms were being weighed down by beautiful silk and cotton, I realized Oh gee I am in Spain. The dressing lady guard person started yabbing at me and I had to ask Jenna what she was saying. She kept talking, Jenna walked away, then she kept talking. I had to ask Jenna again for help...she was just telling me I get 7 pieces of clothing...Sixth grade Spanish didn't even teach me my numbers well enough. 

We left their happy and with new belongings in our hands, our next stops included little (not so little they all were at least two stories high) boutiques. We all found super adorable stuff. Highlights and previews to the best buys of the day: Jenna - Cute brown romper, Manda - adorable denim bib overalls (biberalls), Morg - Top and precious cinched and flowered belt, Me - leopard print shirt. 

We had lunch in the shopping area at a place called (I took the liberty of interpreting it to English) "Restaurant of 100 Sandwiches". They did have tons of sandwiches. The waiter spoke English and we got all ordered. It was the kind of place that called your name out when your food was ready. According to our slips we were Mery, Amena, Jenna and Morgan. It took all of six minutes for it all to be ready. "Por Favor Mery"...fifteen seconds later..."Por Favor Mery!"...ten seconds later..."POR FAVOR MERY!"...They didn't even give you a chance to blink...or think...or even get downstairs before they yelled at you again. Once you got down there you realized your sandwich was so small it may be able to be consumed in one gulp if tried. Seriously that small. V e r y t a s t y t h o u g h ! ! !  

From there it was just a pip step away from a few more shops, where more beautiful things were found...and then back on the bikes. We stopped at one more shop by the Cathedral and then got some ice cream. We went to the place with the super huge waters, and yummy gelato. It was refreshing, cool and delicioso. 

After shopping it was back to the bus station to catch a ride home. It was another hot day - 112 degrees...OW hotty totty. We immediately jumped in the pool and sat around waiting to go to dinner. Margaritas Pizza was our planned destination this evening with a dinner time around ten pm. Of course we had snacks in between because we just don't go long without a snack..or two..or three. 

It finally had cooled down and the walk to pizza was a nice one. The pizza place was hopping. The most people I have seen in Valencina in the whole three weeks we have been here. Of course they stared...and we sat inside with no one else and had ourselves a dandy ol' time. Mostly we made fun of Jenna because she is so dang ridiculous...but it was still fun. The pizzas we got were pretty good. The one was delectable and the other one...well let's just say the four cheeses on it didn't mesh and had a faint taste of blue cheese. Needless to say we didn't eat the rest of that one. On our way home we planked things. Jenna planked a little car, I planked a flower pot and Manda and Morg and Jen planked a railing. We also took pretend senior photos, I am editing some of those later tonight so check those out of facebook: MCKaercher Photography :) We got home, heard the reassuring bark of Clyde and JJ and ate some icecream bars. Got to have our dessert...I don't know what I am going to do in seven days when it is back to the states and I don't feel like I can have dessert everyday...all day...

We are now watching Despicable Me "He's so fluffy I'm going to die!!" and enjoying each other's company. I feel like it is normal to get sick of people after spending every day, every minute with them...but with these ladies...the fun never stops. "Matter of face, I'm big boy flexin'" Blessings and goodnight!


Death by Carbs? That wouldn't be a bad way to die.

"I am so grateful for my life...all of it. For people I love and am loved by. For experiencing success and failure and blessings and trials...for discovering who I am, mostly by deciding who I am not. I love the journey. I love reflecting on the journey and looking forward to things to come"
        - Facebook Status Quote

It's another nothing blog. We have had a lot of those lately, Jenna says it is because we are a lot more in our element. We don't really get lost in the grocery store and we don't flinch when getting yelled and hooted at. That is why we don't have any more hilarious stories...because we can handle the stress better. She speaks the truth if you ask me.

Today started off with a late start...at least on my part. I figured out what the cat is always wanting from me in my sleep...to lay her head on my ankle. Yup. That is all...I lay my foot out in the open she lays her head down and she is quiet. No movement. It is wonderful to not hate her anymore. P.S. the dog's bugs are gone too! Hallelujah! 
Clyde Surfing

All day it was lay by the pool and chat. We floated and discussed life and laughed. Oh gosh do we laugh. Mostly it is at things that would not be funny to any one else..but to us it is going to be the death of us. Things that wouldn't be socially acceptable to say in public...now I don't mean dirty just noises and screams that normal people don't do...then again..we are no where near normal. It was during one point in our lounge that Manda and Jenna brought to my attention a huge ordeal. Have you ever thought about colors? The color of the trees? To me they are green, to you they are green, and to everyone else who isn't color blind they are green. But what if my green is different from your green, what if your green is my purple. It flips my brain upside down thinking of that. Everyone calls it green or blue or yellow...but what color are they really truly looking at?! Ok, so that was odd to bring up..but in all honesty my mind is seriously confused. Same with why water is blue...it reflects off the sky...yeah but how is the sky blue? God. That is the only answer we could come up with. Whew...it was one huge day of edumacation!

Morgan burnt her buttocks. It used to be as white as me but now...it is more red. Compared to the rest of her coffee colored skin..her butt was milky...now is...uh, let say cherry...

We had to go to the grocery store today because the little DIA didn't have any thing for us to eat. We drove down there and on our way in got honked out. This is a normal activity while we are here..but I mean we all screamed and jumped in the air at least six feet. We may get honked at a lot but it never ceases to scare the living romper off me. Morgan and I set ourselves in charge of dessert (here we have dessert EVERY night), while Manda and Jenna got the substantial, real food. It was a whole bunch of hooplah in the grocery store...the heat makes us nuts I swear. For one I was dressed pretty ridiculous..I mean I know I have worn some funky outfits in my day...but...this one might top some of the others. I cannot blame the heat for my outfit...I blame my parents for letting me dress myself when I was two...set crazy ideas in my head! Just kidding...
Sexy outfit....
The ride home was just as rambuncious. Morgan and I were imitating Voldemort off of the last movie...Cali is probably the only one who knows what noise we are talking about...but it is a very simple annoying noise. Jenna threatened to punch the next person who made that noise...she did, so Manda punched her. Nonsense, that car ride along with every other car ride we ever take is nonsense. We began dancing to the lovely radio station here, may I add that they play everything from Shania Twain to Lil' Wayne to the latest and greatest in Spanish music. The widest radio station E V E R. Wonderful none the less though. While we were dancing we passed a lot of cars...quote "They are looking at us because we are white...not because of our nice dance moves" end quote. 

Manda taught me how to season and cook the chicken and make instant mashed potatoes. Don't laugh, the instructions were in Spanish and remember I don't know Spanish...I needed her to instruct me. We enjoyed our full healthy meal of corn, bread, chicken, potatoes, a whole tub of icecream, and oreos. Hearty and for the most part, compared to other meals, healthy. We laughed some more, I really don't need to add that part in anymore because this whole trip has been a chain of laughter. 
We now sit waiting for our show to load while we enjoy each other's presences...<<I don't think that is correct. Oh well, I have my own language so capoooie to English grammar. I am signing out Captain. Mary has left the building...or the keyboard...or uh, the blog...?


Seriously? Something is killing that animal.

At The Cathedral
I would like to report that today was a successful day. We woke up early, caught the bus we planned on catching (although it did look nothing like our usual bus) and arrived in Seville just as planned! We are getting good at this Big Girl stuff!

Today also had to be record breaking temperatures because all of last night into the morning I never stopped sweating. It was a constant pour of sweat...even with a cool rag and changing rooms every so often. Last night was a break through though, I let the cat snuggle up with me...okay, it was for about 20 minutes until it started nibbling my toes and then I got freaked out and sent her out to the hall...but I did let her near me! That is a heck of a break through it you ask me!

Our goal today was to tour the Cathedral. We did just that. We paid 8 Euro to walk in and around the Cathedral. Mind you this Cathedral is the second largest in the world...and it is home to Christopher Columbus' grave. This place was epic. It was amazing to think that in modern times this place would take years to build and construct each detail but they did it hundreds of years ago. It was just blowing my mind...because this place was so incredibly detailed it sort of hurt to look up and take it all in. Also in this Cathedral has one of the biggest church organs in the world....it was giant..I really wanted to go test out my 5th grade skills on it...but that is despised I would think considering the whole thing was behind bars..

We walked up 32 stories to the top of the bell tower and looked out across Seville. Breath. Taking. We were super hot at this point...and I was starving...which ultimately means I am not the happiest person in the world. We walked finding a cute little restaurant that had English on their menu... the food was good and it felt amazing to get off our feet for a few minutes and out of the intense heat. After the cathedral we headed out to shop a little. That is all I am going to say about that because I want all prezzies for the fam bam to stay a secret :) I ain't no foool !
View while walking up the Bell Tower

We were exhausted. Literally no energy whatsoever. The bus ride felt like it took at least half of my life. I drifted in and out of my day dreams, my mind was distressed from the heat and by body was gushing out water faster than a drinking fountain. We finally got home, changed into swim suits and immediately hopped in the pool.  

From there it is like every other day I blog about. Pool, sun, reading, eating, laughing, cleaning, and bonding. I finished my second book..another one by Jodi Picoult and another WONDERFUL one. Gosh, she knows how to entertain me in a book. Morg and Manda went to get bread from the Panira in Valencina while I cleaned the pool and Jen got the lawn watered. Morgan started cooking noodles, garlic, and bread...(you should've know that dinner was coming) and we all just relaxed. 

Truly I am surprised that I don't get rolled into the house after every dinner here because I am always so stuffed by pants feel like they won't fit. Especially after we pray, eat bread and garlic then consume noodles and cheese, and topping it all off with two pints of icecream and oreo cookies. I mean it's vacation we can splurge on our appetites but don't any of you dare to say anything if I come home a little rounder than before. 
Christopher Colombus' Grave

We now are listening to the next door neighbor's animal moan and cackle like a dying sheep goat...while I imitate it and we all laugh about it. We are planning our attack for sleep...it is too hot for the couch, too hot for the bed rooms, and too windy to be any where but inside. We are in a pickle...Keep tuned in to see how the fab four conquer this mission...dun dun dun!