
Asian Invasion

This morning was a early one, meaning eight am..that early. I was tired because I stayed up early to edit photos...my own fault..but I just couldn't help myself my models were too beautiful!! 

Today was our journey to Alhambra, a three hour car ride. I drove this morning because I am a better driver in the morning since I am very alert. The drive was long and restless for me, but went quickly for the other girls. And guess what?! We made it there first try! It was amazing! We technically couldn't enter until two and it was around 12:30...so we had a while to wait. We sat around in the heat, got some water, and tried to cool down in the shade. I was hot and grouchy until we entered the actual Alhambra. It was gorgeous. Tons of colorful flowers and delicate details. The tiles were amazing, I cannot even imagine trying to build and construct such a beautiful building...by hand!! The beauty didn't stop there either, even tower and building was old and stunning. It was amazing to think these were built and people actually lived in them. We compared them to Aladdin and his castle...Okay, I don't think Aladdin had a castle until he married the princess...but that is very beside the point. 

We walked the whole deal for about three hours, taking photos and soaking in the glory and amazing views. I can't really describe any more about how it was, it is something you just have to experience...You can try and live vicariously through my photos though...

Post title comes from the zillions of Asians everywhere..It must be a holiday or something because in all honesty it cannot be just a coincidence that we see an Asian every other corner...

The drive home was....I was sleeping so I don't really know...I'm sure Manda was tired but she did an excellent job like always. When I woke up we were lost. Damn Spain seriously needs to invest in some street signs because without them we get REAL lost REAL fast. It took a few roundabouts and a lot of lefts before we found an area we were comfortable with. 

For you Manda: "Two cheap hookers and a Mexican"
"Look Right" --Looks hard left.

We had to stop at the grocery store and pick up some things to eat. I am going to be attempting to cook tomorrow...ha, let's see how that goes for us...They may be forced to eat chalk...

Our evening consisted of a meal that I won't even type down because 1. we will get made fun of 2. we have eaten it too many times to count 3. it is too delicious for words. It also was uploading photos and editing my photo shoot photos (MCKaercher Photography on Facebook). I also skyped my mom and dad, and Jenna was a Russian mobster for the majority of the night. Pretty normal. 

Thank you God for having a sense of humor.


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