
Where's my boyfriend? Oh, he is over there with his wife and three kids....

This morning was another early get up and go. Grant it this time we were trying to get out of the house at eleven, which we did successfully. No lost dogs, no bad hair days, and no lost passports. The prime set up for a great day. Aquopolis was our destination today. A water park located in  Seville. We uploaded directions onto our iPods and thought that would be good enough. Google maps seemed to have it down to a T where we needed to go. We packed the car and started driving. I got to ride shotgun and help navigate since the directions were uploaded on my iPod. Manda, like always, was a brilliant driver. She took a wrong exit, but it was clearly and obviously my mistake. We whipped around and then took another exit that we were unsure whether it was the correct one or not. I would like to state here that Spain does a TERRIBLE job labeling. No billboards saying "Whoa hey there travelers turn here to go to Aquopolis!" or "This street is Hugga Bugga Street"...I mean it is horrendous. There is also six zillion roundabouts that if you take the wrong exit out of it you are screwed, yeah so that happened to us. I followed my iPod directions and we ended up in another town. Well I believe it was a suburb of Seville but we still were way the heck out there. We drove and drove and d r o v e d r o v e d r o v e d r o v e finally we went to the one location that is bound to have people - the airport. We pulled up and I hopped out to ask the taxi driver where Aquopolis is...except bad idea since I don't speak a bit of Spanish...hence the blog title. Luckily Jenna popped out of the vehicle to add some assistance. The taxi driver gave us some directions but in all honestly the what I got out of him talking was some mumbo jumbo that sounded like his cheeks were stuffed with mashed potatoes. But Jenna did understand some words like right and left and roundabout...so we were set. We headed the direction of the taxi driver. He made it sound like we would just see it and be like "oh golly gee we are so blind" but there was no magic poof and Aquopolis did not just appear...so we stopped at a gas station. Morgan was really hungry too...The man at the gas station spoke little English but drew us a not so pretty map. The one thing I got out of that was we were supposed to pass a swimming pool...know how I got that? He called it a piscine << same word for swimming pool in French. Go 1 year of college French, Yippeee! Morgan set with some almonds we headed back on the road. We hit a huge roundabout and took the exit the gas station man told us too....we passed the piscine..but still no aquopolis. We turned around and headed back toward the roundabout because Manda saw a sign that said water park. Sure enough around the roundabout and the exit before the one we just took was a sign for a waterpark. We traveled that way...but we still didn't see any water park. So we drove the wrong way down a one way and got honked at, but got good directions from a Spanish lady at a gas station. Following her directions very carefully we found it...and the drive that was supposed to take us a half hour ended up being two...oh well! 

We were all pretty grouchy so we immediately got food. I had pizza and it was slightly weird. It kind of tasted like there was ketchup on it instead of pizza sauce. But it did put me in a better mood. We then spent the next three hours riding the water rides. We raced down a big flat waterslide on our knees, we took inner tubes down a slide that was pitch black called "The Black Hole", we took inner tubes down a huge slide that shot you down a slide and then up a half pipe looking thing (the most fun), we hang glided into the water, we did the wave pool, and we soaked up the sun. It was really fun and a lot like any other water park. We were stared at less (but still stared at) and we felt more in our element. 

I had to re-apply sunscreen because I was looking a little red so we took a break. Laying in the shade for me, half and half for Manda and the full on sun for the McCann sisters. We did a few more runs on the hang glide taking pictures with Morgan's camera (and having the operator ask Morg for a kiss) and then decided to call it quits. We were tired and our skin was very angry at us (but I made out without a sunburn, helllll yes!). Morgan and I picked up some slushies and we were back on the road. 

We left the pool at around seven pm...and we didn't get home a little after eight. We got lost a lot more times taking turns when there were no signs. NO SIGNS. How are people supposed to know what to do in this country if they don't label?? I respect the red, white and blue for that one. Hallelujah for street signs everywhere.  

We got home, showered, dressed and went out to dinner. We ate at this quaint place Steve told us about. The menu was in clear Spanish and we forgot my world travel book and all three of the translators. We felt so confused. We asked our waiter to explain what each thing was...but instead he brought us an outdated but English menu. Score again for the Americas. It was still pretty hard to decide what we wanted because our options seemed limited. I most definitely wasn't going to be eating the 17 entrees that included fish, brains, liver, or sketchiness. So I decided on bread and ham. It sounded promising. Jenna got tomatoes and seasoning, Morgan the same as me, and Manda scrambled eggs and potatoes. We all liked our meals for the most part, but by far Manda's was the best. 

Cutest little girl at dinner...blew us kisses!
We sat around and I took pictures of the cute little kids that were running around (it was 10/11 at night...) and we chatted about everything...including Siamese cats..Morgan says they are all girls and Manda disagreed...I'm googling it right now....and....it...says...Morgan was wrong. Hahahahha we are laughing about it as I type. "Now Manda can give me crap.."--Morgan three seconds ago. We were planning on getting four different kinds of dessert, putting them in the middle and sharing...but when we asked for the dessert menu he just brought us different kinds of icecream. Works. The ice cream was definitely delicious...Jenna and I picked this ice cream bar combination that was one side icecream sandwich which then morphed into a dilly/heath bar. Manda and Morg had super yummy chocolatey king cones (the cones with the chocolate at the bottom). Both were super duper delicious and we were all satisfied. We got into conversation and lost ourselves for a while. We didn't start to realize we wanted our check till the lady in the next table started smoking, giving us all headaches. We weren't sure how to get our check..but before we could even ask our waiter whipped by and dropped off shots. They looked similar to the ones from the other night and tasted similar also. We were so stunned. People in this country are so nice to us. Bringing us free stuff and waiting on our every need. We never want to go back to the States. We don't want to be normal again, I am liking this free stuff way too much. We got our check and left our waiter a nice tip.

We got home and relaxed. My head is pounding from the cigarette smoke but I have a full belly and I am smiling. It was a good night. Blessings to all and to all a good night! :)

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