
Rule #1: Don't wear ballet shoes to a bull fight.

Doing the Jenna

Steve, Pia, Matilde, and Vincent arrived safely home early this morning. Manda and Jen had to wake up early to go pick them up while Morg and I slept...We got the long end of the stick. I was awoken by Clyde and JJ yelping at their owners and a bunch of laughter and happiness. It was hard to get out of bed at first but then I heard Jen telling stories of the trip and I just had to join in on that! We sat chatting with Vincent and Matilde while Steve and Pia went to get the bikes and stuff. We found out that our little doggies have a facebook (it made our day to say the least). When Steve and Pia arrived we swapped stories and I dozed off. When I woke up everyone around me was sleeping also. It was around ten thirty and we needed to go get bull fight tickets.

Which we did. 25 Euro for sun seats in the balcony.

The rest of the day was pretty much pool time. We laid in the pool for lots of hours, only taking a break to eat the delicious homemade pizza Steve cooked us. We had to be ready for the bull fight by six thirty..which we were by the way. 

We took two cars to the bull arena. While we were waiting for Steve and everyone to find us we were approached by a half toothed man selling hats. He was speaking Spanish to Pia telling her she had nice daughters (referring to Morgan, Matilde and Me). She told him we were waiting for her husband and his response? "My husband beats me when I don't cook him enough mashed potatoes..." Ahhh some people in Spain just crack me up! 

Drum roll please...The big event of the evening - - - - Thee Bull Fight (Said is Jenna's Russian Mobster Gangster Voice):

Well. It is hard to put in words. There were 3 Matadors (who wore hot pink socks and ballet shoes) and six bulls. We named the bulls, I know that is getting attached but it was kind of fun and it was easier to remember each one. We had Ferdinand, Douglas, Marcus, Carlos, Edwardo, and Hank the Tank. Soo pretty much there were some guys that teased the bulls with a pink apron thingy, then other guys ran up and stabbed them in the neck.. (Not Nice!)...Then a man on a horse will come out and stab the bull in the neck muscles to weaken him even more. Finally, the actual big time Matador would come out with a red flag thing and tease them, tire them then stab them to death...literally. Not very nice. The first bull was the worst to watch. The Matador couldn't kill him, he kept on poking at his face and stabbing him and the bull kept trying to run away...it was awful...AWFUL. But he did die. And the Matador got booed for not killing him quickly or at all...another guy had to stab him...that's embarrassing. 

The second bull died quickly but put up a good fight so when he died everyone in the crowd cheered, stood and waved a white flag. I asked the lady next to me why the waved white flags and in broken English she told me if the bull puts up a good fight the crowd decides whether the Matador deserves the bull's ear...which in this case he did. Also with this bull the man who stabs the bull got chased out of the arena...literally the bull ran at him and he had to jump over the fence to get free and not die or anything! I got a sweet picture of that (see below)!
Just hopping the fence to escape
The third bull was crazy. While one of the guys was running up to stab him he went nuts.The guy did get the needle stuff in but the bull went nuts and ran toward him..and (he slipped on his ballet shoes) and then the bull trampled him. He was stomping him and everyone went around trying to seduce the bull away! They did get him away and he walked away looking fine. What happened after that is unknown, but I am pretty sure he came back alive and good. The Matador that handle this guy had major swag. He seriously thought he was the hottest thing out there. He would get an applause and he would just boast and walk like he was prancing on water. Swag for days on this guy!
Oh just the guy getting trampled by a sweaty angry bull. NBD.

The fourth bull attacked a horse. I was in the bathroom but Morgan told me that when the man on the horse came to stab the guy the bull took a huge run toward the horse and rammed him! Sad thing is that the horse has no idea that it is coming, his eyes are covered...and so is his body...so I pretty sure he doesn't get hurt...all though it looks super painful. 

The fifth and sixth bull were nothing exciting. It was sad and I was ready for it to be over. The same guy who was cheered before was cheered again and won over the ear once more. He walked around the arena like a hot shot and people threw fans and hats into the arena. He would pick them up and chuck them back at the people...kind of like an autograph I guess.

Afterwards we were all in weird spirits...I wasn't sure what to think or feel. We headed to a place to get tapas and to chat. Steve, thankfully, ordered for us so it took a lot of the stress off. We then just headed home. I ate a homemade mango popsicle that Matilde made while everyone watches some tv. It is pretty late and tomorrow is going to be a long day..(we are staying up so we can sleep on our flight home)...sad that tomorrow is our last day here. It feels like just yesterday we arrived...but I will not dabble in the sadness any longer..I'll save that for tomorrow. 
Dead bull... :(

Please send a prayer for those bulls...I feel like they need it. Goodnight! :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously? I did not know that they killed the bulls for real! I am so sad right now...what could be the purpose? Yuk, yuk, yuk...strangeness...hope you are recovering from the bull sadness and the leaving sadness...
