
Death by Carbs? That wouldn't be a bad way to die.

"I am so grateful for my life...all of it. For people I love and am loved by. For experiencing success and failure and blessings and trials...for discovering who I am, mostly by deciding who I am not. I love the journey. I love reflecting on the journey and looking forward to things to come"
        - Facebook Status Quote

It's another nothing blog. We have had a lot of those lately, Jenna says it is because we are a lot more in our element. We don't really get lost in the grocery store and we don't flinch when getting yelled and hooted at. That is why we don't have any more hilarious stories...because we can handle the stress better. She speaks the truth if you ask me.

Today started off with a late start...at least on my part. I figured out what the cat is always wanting from me in my sleep...to lay her head on my ankle. Yup. That is all...I lay my foot out in the open she lays her head down and she is quiet. No movement. It is wonderful to not hate her anymore. P.S. the dog's bugs are gone too! Hallelujah! 
Clyde Surfing

All day it was lay by the pool and chat. We floated and discussed life and laughed. Oh gosh do we laugh. Mostly it is at things that would not be funny to any one else..but to us it is going to be the death of us. Things that wouldn't be socially acceptable to say in public...now I don't mean dirty just noises and screams that normal people don't do...then again..we are no where near normal. It was during one point in our lounge that Manda and Jenna brought to my attention a huge ordeal. Have you ever thought about colors? The color of the trees? To me they are green, to you they are green, and to everyone else who isn't color blind they are green. But what if my green is different from your green, what if your green is my purple. It flips my brain upside down thinking of that. Everyone calls it green or blue or yellow...but what color are they really truly looking at?! Ok, so that was odd to bring up..but in all honesty my mind is seriously confused. Same with why water is blue...it reflects off the sky...yeah but how is the sky blue? God. That is the only answer we could come up with. Whew...it was one huge day of edumacation!

Morgan burnt her buttocks. It used to be as white as me but now...it is more red. Compared to the rest of her coffee colored skin..her butt was milky...now is...uh, let say cherry...

We had to go to the grocery store today because the little DIA didn't have any thing for us to eat. We drove down there and on our way in got honked out. This is a normal activity while we are here..but I mean we all screamed and jumped in the air at least six feet. We may get honked at a lot but it never ceases to scare the living romper off me. Morgan and I set ourselves in charge of dessert (here we have dessert EVERY night), while Manda and Jenna got the substantial, real food. It was a whole bunch of hooplah in the grocery store...the heat makes us nuts I swear. For one I was dressed pretty ridiculous..I mean I know I have worn some funky outfits in my day...but...this one might top some of the others. I cannot blame the heat for my outfit...I blame my parents for letting me dress myself when I was two...set crazy ideas in my head! Just kidding...
Sexy outfit....
The ride home was just as rambuncious. Morgan and I were imitating Voldemort off of the last movie...Cali is probably the only one who knows what noise we are talking about...but it is a very simple annoying noise. Jenna threatened to punch the next person who made that noise...she did, so Manda punched her. Nonsense, that car ride along with every other car ride we ever take is nonsense. We began dancing to the lovely radio station here, may I add that they play everything from Shania Twain to Lil' Wayne to the latest and greatest in Spanish music. The widest radio station E V E R. Wonderful none the less though. While we were dancing we passed a lot of cars...quote "They are looking at us because we are white...not because of our nice dance moves" end quote. 

Manda taught me how to season and cook the chicken and make instant mashed potatoes. Don't laugh, the instructions were in Spanish and remember I don't know Spanish...I needed her to instruct me. We enjoyed our full healthy meal of corn, bread, chicken, potatoes, a whole tub of icecream, and oreos. Hearty and for the most part, compared to other meals, healthy. We laughed some more, I really don't need to add that part in anymore because this whole trip has been a chain of laughter. 
We now sit waiting for our show to load while we enjoy each other's presences...<<I don't think that is correct. Oh well, I have my own language so capoooie to English grammar. I am signing out Captain. Mary has left the building...or the keyboard...or uh, the blog...?

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