
Mummy, Do I Smell Like Boy?

At the Highest Point - Gibraltar

August 2nd had to be an eventful day because August 1st consisted of nothing. We woke up really early to head to Gibraltar...like 7 am early...I was proud of us. We had intentions of getting out of the house at 730 but it didn't quite happen for us. It wasn't because any of us were slacking it was because we lost Jesse James.

As we were packed up and heading out the door we called the animals into the house. Clyde darted in but there was no sign of JJ. We assumed he must just be in the house so we searched. He wasn't anywhere. I checked the house, Amanda re-checked the house while Morgan and Jenna checked outside. No JJ. He was last seen sitting in my door frame staring at me with those big brown puppy eyes begging for attention...and that was sometime this morning. We searched calling out his name, this dog  was one heck of a good hide-and-seeker. We heard no barks, or whines coming from anywhere....he was not giving out his position. We all stood stumped..how could this small wiener dog hide from four smart girls. We did another search of the property when I had an idea. Outside of the gate. It seemed unlikely since the only way out is through the giant metal gate that is locked at all times...but what do you know, there is Jesse James sitting patiently on the other side of the gate. Staring up at me like "I've been here the whole time lady". I have not the slightest idea how he managed to get out there or why he didn't come back in the way he got out...but my nonsense questions don't matter because he is safe and still flee infested...

The drive to Gibraltar wasn't too bad. We were all kind of tired since we aren't used to waking up so dang early, but we made the best of it. Laughing about baby diapers and jamming out to all the new tunes downloaded the night before - Jenna would like me to add that we are way to gangster for her to handle... Entering Gibraltar was another story. The lines were huge and we wanted to get as close as possible before parking because we had no idea what we were doing. The traffic was slow and we waited in line slowly edging toward the great rock. Now here is a little edumacation about Gibraltar to help you out through this blog. It is believed to be formed when the continents split and formed Spain and Africa. Then the continents collided and out shot Gibraltar...well...that is more or less what happened...then there was some sort of war and England won the area of Gibraltar...so now when you enter into the city of Gibraltar you are entering another country so you need your passport. There, quick education lesson now you are set to go.  

Our passports were technically useless. We flashed them outside of our window at two cops who really didn't look at them...simply glanced and waved us through. I'm talking a roll by customs...and I didn't even get strip searched this time! It was awesome! We parked the car and walked to the city across this giant airport runway. There were tons of people everywhere and they weren't staring at us anymore. We were no longer the only light haired American girls around, or the only English speakers. It was nice for a change to be able to ask directions in English, have someone UNDERSTAND you and then get a reply in perfect clear English. The weirdest thing. As we were walking down the main street browsing the stores and making our way to the gondola lift (where we thought we should go to start this stuff) a man with a British accent stopped us, stuck his cigarette to my hand (on accident, and I'm okay), convinced us to take a taxi to the top, and got us all excited to see Gibraltar. The taxi/bus was 25 Euros but we got to see all stops and got pictures with the monkeys. We went with two other groups - a wife and a husband and then a man, woman and daughter. Manda, Jenna and Morgan took seat in the backseat of the bus while I pinned myself in the next row next to the window. The couple sat shotgun and the little family sat next to me. They were British and the little girl was very cute. I just love children so I asked her the simple questions such as her favorite color - and she replied back to me in British, it was adorable. She is where this post gets it's name. She asked her mum if she smelt like a boy...very cute! 

We first stopped at St. Michael's Cave. Huge caverns similar to Lewis and Clark Caverns, except Spanish..oops! English I mean. This cavern had a stage and chairs. They probably host weddings and plays in there and charge a bucket load but it would be awesome. Made me want to be acting to be on that stage. We then stopped at the Pillars of Hercules which is where you can see Africa. It was pretty cloudy and hard to distinguish what was clouds and what was Africa, but we did see it and took lots of photos of it. It was during the ride to the next stop - the highest point - that I bonded with Annabelle (the little girl). We talked about chapstick and she was fascinated with me, asking questions about my bracelets and hair and friends, she seriously is adorable. The highest point was breathtaking. Every direction you turned your head you were looking at something spectacular. Ships in the harbor, Africa, or just pure ocean. It was also here that we got to play with the monkeys. All throughout the journey there were monkeys to take photos of but up here we got to get up close and personal with them. Our bus driver had a little monkey jump on our heads so we could take photos. It was quite the experience. He was a cute monkey until he moved his hands and stabbed Morg in the eye. She is okay, no diseases and she can still see 20/20. Our last stop was at the Great Siege Tunnels. Tunnels made for military defense. We got to see how the cannons poked out the side of the rock and how it was all set up. VERY cool! We enjoyed the view some more and had Annabelle spell "Jamon" for another photo and then were back on the road for the end of the tour.   

We said our goodbyes to our new five year old friend and went to eat lunch. It was pretty hot out and it felt good to sit and relax while enjoying some good food (burgers and fries). We then went back down the main street and shopped. We didn't buy much since we were all pretty burnt out for the day but it was an experience. Trying to convert pounds to euros and guessing which language was going to come out of the salesperson's mouth. We grabbed a smoothie and headed back to Seville. The traffic going back into Spain was A W F U L. We sat one car away from the roundabout that would take us out of town for a solid thirty minutes. Once around that we had to sit in line to pass through customs...which took thirty minutes to sit in our car and five seconds to flash our passports at a cop who didn't even look at them. We were all really tired and Manda did a wonderful job driving us back. We made it there and back in one piece and without getting lost with her talents (oh and Jenna's good map reading skills). 

We stopped at the grocery store to pick up fruit, bread, and chicken for our meals to come. We all were pretty angsty and we definitely needed to get in a better mood...so we cooked garlic, oil and bread. Instantly we were all chipper. The rest of the night can't really be put into words. It was hilarious and so many things happened that it would be hard to type them all out. Jenna and Amanda planked everything...even the toilet, making planking history I swear. Morgan and I skyped Jake Myers for a solid hour and Amanda sang to us in Hebrew. It was epic. 

We all crashed and slept like babies. Until the next time ya'lll :)

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