
It smells like rain...ha that's a funny joke.

My Models for the Day

I am having a tough time writing this blog today because today was photo shoot day. It was also serious gardening day. I'll start off with that part. We did the pool as normal and then we mowed the lawn...hardcore. It was pretty dang tall after growing for 20+ days! It was also sweeping up the leaves and sweating from the heat. We had to make two big trips to the dumpster with grass. It all took around two hours...but it felt like four. Let's just say our lawn is beautiful! 

The rest of afternoon was the usual...with the add in of me editing my MCKaercher Photography pictures. It was already decided we would be having a photo shoot. After editing some photos from last night I got a burning desire to take more photos. That is why this blog is mostly photos...because I went haywire...plus my models were absolutely gorgeous and stunning! We got tons of beautiful photos. 

The reason we went in to town was for Flamenco...All I can say about that is...well...we got what we paid for...which was nothing. It was cool for the experience but it just wasn't for me. I couldn't understand his singing and she was a good dancer..but nothing extravagant to make me dazzled. We were too late to catch the eleven bus so we had to entertain ourselves with a pina colada and McDonalds to pass the time. We also passed a horse with...excuse me...a huge package..it took the saying "hung like a horse" to a whole new level. 

I am almost 99% positive somebody doesn't want me in Spain. First all the stuff happens in the airports, then I almost lose my passport, and to top it all off BOTH of my credit cards magically stopped working. My statement and my account all say I have room to spend...but you know what I have a $17.00 tab with Morgan because my stuff won't work. Obviously someone really just is out to get me. Probably those stupid bugs I've been killing all trip...or those ants. Dangnubbit. Oh here is the real cherry on top too...On the way to the bus...I tripped. Remember that time when I fell off the bus? Yeah, so now that ankle just gives out when ever it feels like it...including when I am walking up stairs in a skirt...thanks a lot ankle. It is slightly swollen but should be good to go for tomorrow...which is the castle...let's see how lost we can get this time.

Quotes of the night:
Jenna "It smells like rain...ha that's a funny joke."
Me: "Somebody tell Jenna a joke to make her laugh" Silence. Jenna: "Hahah I have all the jokes"
Amanda: "Mullets went out of style..mmm always!"

We figured out that:
Singing is a compliment.
Being purred/hissed/meowed at is a compliment.
Men wear extra cologne on the days they don't shower.
Spanish boys don't know a word for "blonde" they just yell "Yellow"...yay colors!
Canadians are nice.

Au revoir. Adios. Goodbye.

P.S. For more photos of these beauts check out me on Facebook: MCKaercher Photography! :)

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