

[tit-uh -veyt] verb, -vat·ed, -vat·ing.
verb (used with object)
to make smart or spruce: She titivated her banana with peanut butter.

Spain didn't know what hit them today. It was downtown shopping and boy did we go wild. We rode the bus in...and decided we should get bikes today. We went down with our signed sheets from Pia and almost got turned away. She said we needed proof that we live in Valencina in order to ride bikes, but will let us this time because Pia is so trustworthy. We are incredibly lucky this bike lady likes Pia or we would have been way out of luck! Our first stop was H&M, all three stories of it. It was a hay day. H&M is like Wet Seal combined with Forever 21 with a dash of Macy's, in other terms = superfantastical. We probably spent most of our day there trying on outfits and comparing them to things already shoved in our closets. When it came time for me to finally go to the dressing room, since my arms were being weighed down by beautiful silk and cotton, I realized Oh gee I am in Spain. The dressing lady guard person started yabbing at me and I had to ask Jenna what she was saying. She kept talking, Jenna walked away, then she kept talking. I had to ask Jenna again for help...she was just telling me I get 7 pieces of clothing...Sixth grade Spanish didn't even teach me my numbers well enough. 

We left their happy and with new belongings in our hands, our next stops included little (not so little they all were at least two stories high) boutiques. We all found super adorable stuff. Highlights and previews to the best buys of the day: Jenna - Cute brown romper, Manda - adorable denim bib overalls (biberalls), Morg - Top and precious cinched and flowered belt, Me - leopard print shirt. 

We had lunch in the shopping area at a place called (I took the liberty of interpreting it to English) "Restaurant of 100 Sandwiches". They did have tons of sandwiches. The waiter spoke English and we got all ordered. It was the kind of place that called your name out when your food was ready. According to our slips we were Mery, Amena, Jenna and Morgan. It took all of six minutes for it all to be ready. "Por Favor Mery"...fifteen seconds later..."Por Favor Mery!"...ten seconds later..."POR FAVOR MERY!"...They didn't even give you a chance to blink...or think...or even get downstairs before they yelled at you again. Once you got down there you realized your sandwich was so small it may be able to be consumed in one gulp if tried. Seriously that small. V e r y t a s t y t h o u g h ! ! !  

From there it was just a pip step away from a few more shops, where more beautiful things were found...and then back on the bikes. We stopped at one more shop by the Cathedral and then got some ice cream. We went to the place with the super huge waters, and yummy gelato. It was refreshing, cool and delicioso. 

After shopping it was back to the bus station to catch a ride home. It was another hot day - 112 degrees...OW hotty totty. We immediately jumped in the pool and sat around waiting to go to dinner. Margaritas Pizza was our planned destination this evening with a dinner time around ten pm. Of course we had snacks in between because we just don't go long without a snack..or two..or three. 

It finally had cooled down and the walk to pizza was a nice one. The pizza place was hopping. The most people I have seen in Valencina in the whole three weeks we have been here. Of course they stared...and we sat inside with no one else and had ourselves a dandy ol' time. Mostly we made fun of Jenna because she is so dang ridiculous...but it was still fun. The pizzas we got were pretty good. The one was delectable and the other one...well let's just say the four cheeses on it didn't mesh and had a faint taste of blue cheese. Needless to say we didn't eat the rest of that one. On our way home we planked things. Jenna planked a little car, I planked a flower pot and Manda and Morg and Jen planked a railing. We also took pretend senior photos, I am editing some of those later tonight so check those out of facebook: MCKaercher Photography :) We got home, heard the reassuring bark of Clyde and JJ and ate some icecream bars. Got to have our dessert...I don't know what I am going to do in seven days when it is back to the states and I don't feel like I can have dessert everyday...all day...

We are now watching Despicable Me "He's so fluffy I'm going to die!!" and enjoying each other's company. I feel like it is normal to get sick of people after spending every day, every minute with them...but with these ladies...the fun never stops. "Matter of face, I'm big boy flexin'" Blessings and goodnight!

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