
Who has a Jon Tester haircut?

All today I kept forgetting whether it was Tuesday or Wednesday...even just now after I typed that I had to look at my computer to know what day it was. That must mean I am having one hell of a time and don't need to know the days of the week! It was another lounge day full of chores and facebooking. I didn't really take any photos except for our wonderful dinner that Manda made for us. 

The couple productive things that happened today are as follows:

We cleaned the pool - scrubbing and all, we watered the lawn, did laundry and picked up dog poop. We also tried to get the dogs to the vet. The vet office we planned on going to said something about emergency only and the doors were all locked. Sooo we went back home after making Clyde super anxious about gettting to ride in the car and then researched vets in the Seville/Valencina area. Jenna called around...she was pretty nervous because it is one thing to talk to a non-English speaking person in person because you can use the universal hand gestures to get your point across...that is unless they are blind..but then again we haven't ran into many of those. Oh but talking on the phone to a non-English speaking person is a whole different ordeal, you will not take anything from that conversation and the person on the other end will be pissed off and you both will be fuming and grouchy afterwards. Luckily the vet office we called understood when Jenna said "Hola, uh, well, I speak English" and the lady said "Me too". She thus began to explain the looks of the creepy crawlers and got prices for a visit. It was pretty pricey just to even go to the doctors office and get them checked let alone buy the treatment...so we called Steve and he said to go ahead and buy something like Frontline to kill the bugs. Sooo Manda, Morg and Jenna all went to the vet office to pick up the stuff, while I, like a watchdog, guarded the house. The dogs were given medicine and I took a two hour nap.

After the chores were done we sat down to a delicious dinner consisting of actual chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. We man handled that food like it was nobodies business. We sat at the table eating and devouring until there was no room in our stomachs for anything else. 

I picked out bugs out of Clyde's hair. Out of sight out of mind is my new motto for those buggies. I am obsessed with getting them out of their hairs because they just freak me out. The meds should work in a week but until them Clyde will have to deal with me attacking his ears with a paper towel. 

The post name comes from Jenna. She has very thin hair and when I braided it she looked like Jon Tester. Well more like she looked like she had a Jon Tester haircut. It was hilarious. 
The rest of the night consisted of dishes and watching Pretty Little Liars. Exhausted and excited for tomorrow (Water Park!!!!) we are heading to bed early! Another short post, but still one neat day! Blessings & good tidings! :)

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