
Seriously? Something is killing that animal.

At The Cathedral
I would like to report that today was a successful day. We woke up early, caught the bus we planned on catching (although it did look nothing like our usual bus) and arrived in Seville just as planned! We are getting good at this Big Girl stuff!

Today also had to be record breaking temperatures because all of last night into the morning I never stopped sweating. It was a constant pour of sweat...even with a cool rag and changing rooms every so often. Last night was a break through though, I let the cat snuggle up with me...okay, it was for about 20 minutes until it started nibbling my toes and then I got freaked out and sent her out to the hall...but I did let her near me! That is a heck of a break through it you ask me!

Our goal today was to tour the Cathedral. We did just that. We paid 8 Euro to walk in and around the Cathedral. Mind you this Cathedral is the second largest in the world...and it is home to Christopher Columbus' grave. This place was epic. It was amazing to think that in modern times this place would take years to build and construct each detail but they did it hundreds of years ago. It was just blowing my mind...because this place was so incredibly detailed it sort of hurt to look up and take it all in. Also in this Cathedral has one of the biggest church organs in the world....it was giant..I really wanted to go test out my 5th grade skills on it...but that is despised I would think considering the whole thing was behind bars..

We walked up 32 stories to the top of the bell tower and looked out across Seville. Breath. Taking. We were super hot at this point...and I was starving...which ultimately means I am not the happiest person in the world. We walked finding a cute little restaurant that had English on their menu... the food was good and it felt amazing to get off our feet for a few minutes and out of the intense heat. After the cathedral we headed out to shop a little. That is all I am going to say about that because I want all prezzies for the fam bam to stay a secret :) I ain't no foool !
View while walking up the Bell Tower

We were exhausted. Literally no energy whatsoever. The bus ride felt like it took at least half of my life. I drifted in and out of my day dreams, my mind was distressed from the heat and by body was gushing out water faster than a drinking fountain. We finally got home, changed into swim suits and immediately hopped in the pool.  

From there it is like every other day I blog about. Pool, sun, reading, eating, laughing, cleaning, and bonding. I finished my second book..another one by Jodi Picoult and another WONDERFUL one. Gosh, she knows how to entertain me in a book. Morg and Manda went to get bread from the Panira in Valencina while I cleaned the pool and Jen got the lawn watered. Morgan started cooking noodles, garlic, and bread...(you should've know that dinner was coming) and we all just relaxed. 

Truly I am surprised that I don't get rolled into the house after every dinner here because I am always so stuffed by pants feel like they won't fit. Especially after we pray, eat bread and garlic then consume noodles and cheese, and topping it all off with two pints of icecream and oreo cookies. I mean it's vacation we can splurge on our appetites but don't any of you dare to say anything if I come home a little rounder than before. 
Christopher Colombus' Grave

We now are listening to the next door neighbor's animal moan and cackle like a dying sheep goat...while I imitate it and we all laugh about it. We are planning our attack for sleep...it is too hot for the couch, too hot for the bed rooms, and too windy to be any where but inside. We are in a pickle...Keep tuned in to see how the fab four conquer this mission...dun dun dun!

1 comment:

  1. Mary...i love your blog...it seriously makes me laugh out loud and wish i was young again!
