
If you give a mouse a cookie...

This morning was a rough one, not because of a hangover or because of any of that...but because I woke up at 6 am in the blazing heat to find Morgan awake too. We were tired and sweaty and fell asleep on the couch (sorry Steve!) luckily there we slept for a good 5 hours and the started the day off happy. Today was a relax/chill day. Manda and Jen were recovering from their night and Morgan and I were just having a good ol' time. It was lawn/pool day today..except I think Jen took charge of all of it. We ran to the Dia to get some groceries...and that is about it. Around 8 o'clock, after we got showered and spruced up, we headed out to Margarita's  Pizza. Funny thing about Spain is, they don't follow American time...at all. Margarita Pizza wasn't open...and wouldn't be open till at LEAST ten pm. That is how they roll here. We noticed that lately. Everything closes for Fiesta time ( between 2-5/7 pm) and nothing is open on Sundays. Also they wake up late, and eat dinner E X T R E M E L Y late. 

After being successfully turned down by the restaurants in Valencina we resorted to going into Seville. Manda and Jen were going to stay home, recuperate and search for directions on Portugal...while Morg and I went out on the town...since we let them have their fun yesterday... 

We caught the bus and rode into town. We knew kind of where we wanted to go and headed in that way. We were going to go by the yellow cafe and the dance clubs by the water like last time. We walked down the strip gazing at all the restaurants..after we walked the whole strip we decided the first restaurant sounded amazing...oh, and they have English menus. It took us a while to order because the wording of even the English food sounded funny. We ended up getting a big glass of water, rice and chicken. We sat and chatted as we waited for our food to come. We had an epic heart to heart in that 3 hour dinner. Our food was absolutely deliciouso and to make it all better we were having a solid talk about life. 

After dinner we made our way to icecream...yummy as always..except I thought I was endulging in a icecream not normal to Americans..but come to find out I got Whipped Cream Ice Cream and Milk Chocolate. How original am I. Morg got a yummy brownie one and a fab chocolate one.  

Our next destination was to walk. We knew it was too early for the dancing to begin so we just wandered around the area. Walking up one strip, crossing the bridge and then repeating the whole thing. It was lovely outside. Warm with a crisp breeze and it was just smile worthy. On one of our walks we encountered a bar that served pina coladas...we had to embrace the opportunity and that is where we wasted another hour while Morgan helped me sort out my dreams and craziness in my head. 

We kept walking and we kept picking up on the people staring. I hope I am never put in a museum alive..because constantly being gawked at is not fun. It sounds pleasant when you are home by yourself but in all reality it sucks and makes you a little nervous. Since staring at us seems so popular we tried it ourselves. We got a drink at our favorite outside bar and sat on the edge people watching. If you have never people watched, stop reading this and go to the mall and people watch. One of the best things in life. We totally keyed into two groups. A man and a woman who started off sitting next to us and then jumped to a seat. They were obviously angry at each other. Speaking little and avoiding eye contact. Their body language screamed anger and we hit it on the nose. I know it. The other group was a man and two women (they never travel in pairs...only occasionally...there is always an outcast) one of the women was obviously dating the man...and the other was upset about something. The man was BORED out of his mind. I mean staring off into space...day dreaming to the point where I could almost invision his dreams. He yawned and answered slowly when being spoke to. For this situation we narrated what happened. Pretty much, according to Morg and I, the single girl just broke up with her boyfriend and they were trying to console her...but the guy friend didn't care...all he wanted was to get his girlfriend away and home. We hit that one on the nose too. So much fun people watching. Seriously go do it.

The time rolled around to be close to dancing time...so we strode across the bridge but noticed the waiter from the yellow cafe chucking bread of the top of the building. I pointed it out to Morg and we just laughed about how ridiculous it was...that is until we saw the huge amounts of giant fish attacking the pieces of bread. There had to be hundreds of fish stalking the bread, chomping and jumping at it. I didn't even know fish ate bread! I thought it was worms and particles from water...shows what I know! 

The dancing had started but it was pretty low-key compared to our experience the other week. There weren't as many people...and they weren't flocking to us like last time. Now I am not complaining because it was nice to not be attacked with Spanish boys...but it was weird. We then caught on...most of these boys were gay. This one little feller next to us was lifting his shirt and his...uh, man friend...? was rubbing his stomach. It was laugh worthy. There had to be at least 15 gay men in the same club where last week we were running away from it because of all the groping men. We did meet some girls who spoke English from Holland and also some nice guys who said they were French but spoke lots of English and Spanish. They taught us a little foot dance that we haven't quite mastered...but trust me..we will master it before the end of this journey. We left at 2:37 to catch the bus. It was still really nice out and we felt like we were on track. There were a few times I had Jenna's pepper spray out and loaded but I didn't have to use it. Thankfully!! It was then that i realized I REALLY had to pee. Every step was making my bladder a ticking time bomb. Every move was making me have to go. There was no way I was going to keep my cool running to the bus...there was going to be pee running down my leg...So...I did something bad. I peed. On a step...hidden from society...I kind of felt like a hobo...kind of freeing..except the whole ordeal took a whole minute and made us that much later for our bus. We ran and ran and ran and made it on the bus right in time.

We are home now, Morgan is in the shower and I am waiting my turn. Jenna and Manda awoke from the heat and are sitting next to me cuddling the dogs. We are all sweating but laughing about the things that happened. We all need to fall asleep...but will it happen...stay tuned tomorrow for the rest of the story....

1 comment:

  1. OK...seriously...I think you have the makings of your first great novel here, Mary. I forgot how truly observant you are. It's a gift! Really, think about it, K? I think it would be a best seller, and all of old farts would go buy it just to catch a glimpse of what it was like to be young again! Think about it...
