
Make sure she stays on her side!

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Fridayyyyy. Just kidding. In all seriousness we did get down on Friday. We started the day off...well to be honest I didn't wake up until 12:45 so I am not exactly sure what happened in the morning. I know that Morgan and Jenna went for a run and got hooted and hollered at by some guys and that Manda was watching some story about murders and kidnappings (really soothing)...but that is about all I got for you from the hours before I woke up.

Not much else exciting happened throughout the day. We sat around, ate fruit and played in the pool. We indulged in our books...and I finished mine. Side note = Jodi Picoult's books are wonderful!! Around 530 Jenna came out and told Morg and I that we were going to try to catch the 730 bus to get ourselves situated. We got ready..but we all were having hair issues so when we looked at the clock it was 733...we missed the bus. We waited around the house, and Morgan tried to teach us how to open non-twisty caps (a trick taught by Paul)...I never did master it. It is harder than  you think. We left in time to walk to the bus but just as we rounded the corner we saw the bus rolling away. It was 6 minutes early! So we sat around Morgan and I ran to the Dia (/grocery store) and got some wine in a plastic bottle and some chips ahoy. We laughed and laughed and waited for the bus to come. We had just enough money to get on the bus left on our cards. We sat in the back of the bus and had major heart to hearts. The bus ride seemed to take extra long but we did eventually get there. I didn't want to say anything in here but I have to say something because it makes our night different. A secret was told and tension was brought. We then walked downtown giving advice and soothing each other.

Once it was semi-resolved we strode toward any cafe. I was starving since I hadn't really eaten lunch that day. The first place we stopped at was just a bar and we got margaritas. They had a super creepy bathroom with pictures of what looked like Mother Mary....but wasn't and funny card photos of the Pope. It was just a funky bathroom...oh and the bar had half mannequins all over the place...and then had their plastic arms/heads/body parts hanging from the ceiling sometimes covered in fake blood. Needless to say it wasn't the classiest bar in town....They did serve wonderful Margaritas and, what do you know, we got free shots - caramel - just like the other two. Must be a Spain thing...see pretty girl, give caramel shot, write down facebook information, say goodbye to pretty girl. There must just be an unwritten code or something.

We were all starving at this point and we just wanted food. We knew Du Plex was around in the area and that they had decent food so we headed that direction. We went inside and got some wine and food ordered. I was so so so so so hungry it was unbelievable. I never did get a chance to eat all or pretty  much any of my food because of some events. 

We headed back to the bus station. Here I need to say something else: Manda and Jenna were pretty drunk at this point in the story making it a little difficult to get there. It was around 1230 am..and we were going to catch the one am bus. We weaved through the people and shushed Amanda as she yelled Spanish words that I didn't know were okay to be yelled in public. But we did make it to the bus station on time. On time enough to wait on the benches and snap photos of our beloved friends. Next we got on the bus and had a jolly ol' time entertaining some young Spanish people who moved closer to us as we talked. Probably because we weren't talking any language...it was my language...my gibberish that comes out of my mouth. My theory was no one would bother us if they don't know what we are saying so we just pretend like we are speaking a language and know what we are saying. Perfect plan until one of the Spanish boys asked where we are from and Manda sits up and says "Canada!!" Our cover was blown...Morgan tried to cover it up by telling them we were really from Antarctica...but they didn't buy that one either. We said quick goodbyes as we hopped off the bus and headed home. We tucked our cheery ol' friends into bed with a wet rag and a trash can. This is where the post name comes from: Manda was yelling "Don't let her sleep on my side! Jenna don't get on my side!! Don't you let her Mary and Morgan, Don't you let her get on my side!" It was hilarious. Once they were secure and zonked out Morgan and I headed to the cafe just down the street for food, because we were still STARVING! Buuuut they were closed, so we walked back, hopped the fence (really comforting to know people can do that...) and cooked ourselves some noodles, butter and cheese. It was the most deliciouso thing I have tasted in a long time. It was then cool rags and barely any clothes for the long night ahead of us. It was hot, hot, hot, hot and sweaty.  

It was a long, tearful, hilarious, fun night and in a way we never want it to happen again, but then again the memory was worth it. Time to fall into my hot bed and have sweet dreams! :)

1 comment:

  1. You girls are hilarious! Have you thought about turning this into a sitcom? Because I would watch it...seriously, Mary...you could be a billionbajillionaire!
